The Real Reason We Gain Weight
We’ve been told we simply need to eat less and move more to lose weight. We’ve heard it for so long that we’ve accepted it as a fact.
What if it isn’t that simple?
According to a study published in 2016 in the journal Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, it is harder for adults today to maintain the same weight as those 20 to 30 years ago did, even at the same levels of food intake and exercise.
One of reasons we are eating and moving the same but weigh more is because our air, water and food are increasingly contaminated with tiny toxic particles of unnatural substances that bio-accumulate in our bodies, especially in our fat cells.
Our bodies are designed to take in air, water and food from the natural environment and turn them into energy and new cells. Think of your body like a self-regenerating vehicle that requires clean fuel in the form of raw materials from the natural environment to function at peak performance.
When our inputs of air, water and food are contaminated with unnatural substances known as “toxins,” these particles also enter our bodies. Our cells cannot use these particles to either produce energy or generate new cells.
Under normal conditions, our bodies’ natural immune and detoxification functions will identify and remove anything our cells cannot use to either create energy or regenerate new, healthy cells and tissues.
But when our bodies are overloaded with toxic inputs, our natural detoxification systems cannot keep up. Toxins begin to bio-accumulate in our systems, which reduces our energy levels, causes inflammation in our cells, tissues and organs, and results in weight gain which is often accompanied by water retention.
In other words, modern humans are not fat, we are retaining environmental toxins. With a massive increase in the environmental pollution that contaminates our air, water and food, these unnatural toxins enter also into our systems and bio-accumulate over time.
In other words, the excess weight we carry may not be entirely due to excess stored energy or “ too many calories.” The obesity epidemic is fueled by the accumulation of toxins in our bodies due to the unprecedented levels of contamination of air, water and food inputs.
Not only does environmental pollution contribute to the global weight gain and obesity epidemic, these unnatural toxins also disrupt hormones that regulate our mood and affect our mental functions.
Environmental toxins are also known result in low energy production at the cellular level. They cause chronic inflammation-and eventually tissue and organ damage-that leads to chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Weight gain from toxic buildup in our bodies is not an aesthetic or vanity concern. Excess weight-especially obesity-is known to contribute to a wide variety of other health problems that can result in early death. An overwhelmed, toxic body is a body that cannot produce optimal energy or properly regenerate new, healthy cells and tissues. A toxic body is not a healthy body.
Losing the excess weight that threatens our health-and even our lives- is as not as simple as eating less and moving more. To naturally CREATE HEALTH from within, we must reduce our exposure to toxic substances while giving ourselves the natural nutrients and conditions our bodies require to produce energy and regenerate from within.
And once we are no longer bombarding ourselves with new toxins, our natural detoxification systems will have more energy available to remove the old toxins that have accumulated in our bodies, especially the fat cells.
We don’t need to take any plant herbs or perform any special procedures to detoxify our bodies. Our systems are designed to self-detoxify and regenerate, within reason. We can best support our innate self-healing processes by providing ourselves the natural nutrients and conditions our bodies need while avoiding toxic substances and conditions that cause harm.