What is Human Energy?

Energy is defined as the ability create light or power.  Albert Einstein taught us that everything is just energy manifesting into different forms. 

So everything is just potential light or power in different forms, including you. 

Your human energy is the form of light or power generated when other forms of energy enter into and are transformed by you. 

Human energy is a combination of three sub-types: physical energy, mental energy and emotional energy. These sub-types of human energy correspond with the three sub-categories of human wellness: physical wellness, mental wellness and emotional wellness.  

Your physical, mental and emotional energy systems are not separate from each other but interconnected. An imbalance in one system can affect the others. 

For example, when you consistently consume toxic physical substances, the functions of your body and mind are affected. You experience low energy, weakness, brain fog, difficulties concentrating or even memory problems. These challenges also affect your emotional mood.

When you consistently consume toxic information or repeat toxic thought patterns in your mind, your emotional mood is also affected. In turn, mental and emotional toxicity creates stress on your physical body. Mental and emotional stress can also contribute to the development of chronic physical diseases.  

The human energy (light or power) you radiate is determined by your physical, mental and emotional energy. Your human energy radiance also defines your “human experience,” and determines your ability to live well….or not.  

Lumanology was founded on the notion that we can promote peaceful human relations and improve collective human wellness by learning how to improve our individual physical, mental and emotional condition.  We teach the art and science of living well.

Our work is focused on the research, development, production and distribution of self-development learning programs.  We teach individuals how to create health, wealth and happiness to enlighten and empower their human experiences and contribute to a peaceful, prosperous and free global community.

Nikola Tesla, eminent inventor known for his futuristic work with energy, once said, "Peace can only come as a consequence of human enlightenment.” 

And we say “Human enlightenment can only come by learning to develop inner peace within the body, mind and spirit.”


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